Holding their clothes under their arms and smiling broadly, the naked pair walked hand-in-hand up and down Lorong Mambong, occasionally waving to diners and drinkers. They even stopped outside one restaurant to chat with a group of curious onlookers.
Eyewitnesses said the crowd’s initial surprise gave way to cheering and clapping, as several passers-by whipped out their camera phones to snap pictures of the couple. After several minutes, the pair got dressed and walked off.
One parent, having dinner with his two teenaged sons, said light-heartedly: “I never imagined that the first time my sons would see a live naked woman would be in Holland Village.”
However, not every one took the incident in good humour. It is understood that several eyewitnesses called the police. When contacted yesterday, the police told Today that the pair were arrested about an hour after the incident. They were near North Buona Vista Road at the time. Both are out on police bail pending investigations. .Under the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act, anyone who appears nude in a public place can be fined up to $2,000 or jailed up to three months, or both. The incident prompted a flurry of postings online. Recounting the incident, netizen Leonardtan, whose photos of the couple have been reposted on many blogs, wrote: “They both had footwear on, and the girl was wearing a slingbag, but other than that, they were completely nude!” .“They looked really comfortable,” he added. “They stopped at one of the tables to chat with a group of people and were still naked! Even when a crowd gathered and some people started taking photos, they didn’t bother to cover their private parts or run away.” My view on this amusing incident:
- Should they get penalized, it'd only prove SG lacks no sense of humor. Come'on, they didn't cause any harm; what's wrong with having a lil' bit of fun?
- I'd applaud for their courage & open-mindedness, I personally wouldn't be able to do it...
- My only regret, I wasn't there to witness the 'happening'! Keep up the good work! *Cheers*